Dream a Little Dream . . .

Mid week already. How y’all doing?

I had this scary thought this morning. I hope you don’t think I entertain these long, deep thoughts every moment of the day. Actually I have been told I am a “deep thinker.” I don’t know about that. All I know is a thought pops into my head and I start thinking about it. My sweet friend, Patricia, in Costa Rica tells me I “put her to think.” That does makes me smile.

Today I have a full day and must get started. Yet as this day begins, I’ve been pondering this new dream I have. I actually had it about 12 years ago but forgot about it. Yesterday I thought about it again after all this time. Given the way some things are playing out in my life right now, I could see this happening in a few years. Now if it could, would I really want it? Don’t know. I’m not sure how serious I am about it. Cool thing is there’s nothing I’m doing right now that would prevent this dream from happening. So, I don’t have to decide.

So easy to start wondering what others would think. Some would probably say it was a great idea. Knowing me well, my interests, strengths, gifts – how far God has brought me already – they’d say, “Yea, I can see you doing that.” Others might not be so excited. They’d be quick with the “What abouts?” “What about this? What about . . . ?” Thing is, I’m really good at thinking about the “What abouts?” By the time I take the risk of voicing a dream at all, God’s already emboldened me with a certain confidence to believe it could happen. Otherwise I won’t bring it up at all.

Do you have a dream? Maybe you used to but stopped believing it could happen a long time ago. Maybe it can’t happen, at least the way you originally envisioned it. I’ve discovered for me personally that what I do with a dream reveals a lot about what I really believe about God – opposed to what I wished I believed. Or should believe. Dreams involve our deepest feelings and desires. And for anyone who’s had a broken dream – and I am pretty sure that is all of us – you know. Sometimes the sting can last for a long, long time. And if you dare to dream at all again, chances are, you’ll most likely keep it to yourself. Sometimes it can feel too scary to even tell God. Yea, He knows. Of course, He know. Point is, you’re not talking to Him about it. I’ve done that.

In future blogs I may explore this with you future. For now, I’d sure be interested in your thoughts on this. That is, what you do when God gives you a cool vision for your future – maybe even way down the road. Pray about it? Blow it off? Think it’d be a waste of time to try? Dig in and say, “Let’s go for it!”

Today I am remembering this. God knows the thoughts I’m thinking before I do. If some big idea pops into my head – way bigger than I could ever pull off on my own – I’m gonna tell God about it. Why not? I figure that even if I’m a million miles off from His future plans for me, God will be pleased that I wanted to share it with Him. After all, God loves hearing that we believe He’s big enough to make it happen.

Remember, too. If someone shares a dream with you today, treat it as a delicate piece of fine china. They’re giving you a gift. They don’t have to tell you, you know? If you think it’s the craziest idea you’ve ever heard, keep it to yourself. I’ve shared ideas with friends over the years that within 24 hours I knew it was crazy and I didn’t even want to do it once I talked it out. But how grateful I’ve been to those friends who honored me by at least letting me share. Totally be myself. One author described them as “Balcony People.” The great encouragers in our lives, always cheering us on.

Have a great day!

May our Lord Jesus Christ Himself and God our Father, who loved us and by His grace gave us eternal encouragement and good hope, encourage your hearts and strengthen you in every good deed and word. (2 Thes. 2:16)

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One Response to Dream a Little Dream . . .

  1. Peggy says:

    Hi Gayle,
    I have a dream of a place I’d like to go. It’s on the cover of fernando Ortega’s CD “Storm”. It’s on a big open hill looking over the mountains and a big storm is approaching…a red chair is sitting in themiddle of the meadow. I’d like to sit in that place and feel God’s wonderous power and the wind and rain on my face. Maybe He’d even give me a red chair to sit on….
    I was blessed and stirred by your thoughts today…Jesus knows our deepest pleasures and joys. Have a good day.


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