Computer Problems

Hey folks,

Well, I have some big time computer problems this morning. At least at the moment, they seem pretty big. Eating my time, making me a bit anxious. Can’t really concentrate on much—not, even talking with y’all—until I get this settled. I have some things I’m going to try but you know how it goes. Takes time.

So, I bid you all a nice day and I’ll see you back on Friday. Any prayers would be much appreciated! Thanks!

Read this passage this morning:

Stop putting your trust in mere humans. They are as frail as breath. How can they be of help to anyone? (Isaiah 2:22 NLT)

Same could be said about my computer at the moment. I really don’t mean that, you understand. Just need to solve this problem. My livelihood depends on my computer functioning well!


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Grace in Temptation

Happy Monday.

Last Friday I talked about temptation and how sometimes I deal with it better than others. I also shared how God is faithful, not allowing us to be tempted beyond what we can bear. (1 Cor. 10:13).

I was reminded of a story from my childhood. At this time, I had a knowledge of God and a tender conscience. I would not accept Christ as my Savior for many years but God was clearly working in my heart, even then. I’ve never forgotten this story: Continue reading

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Escaping Temptation

Blessed Friday to y’all. Another gorgeous day here. Love this town.
I’ve been thinking about this verse:

No temptation has seized you except what is common to man. And God is faithful; he will not let you be tempted beyond what you can bear. But when you are tempted, he will also provide a way out so that you can stand up under it. (1 Corinthians 10:13)

I have found this to be true. Unfortunately, I’m ashamed to admit that too often not only do I not take the way of escape, I choose not to even ask God what that way might be. Worse, sometimes I know, but I just don’t feel like fighting to do the right thing. I pretend I don’t see it. Yeah, isn’t that what two-year-olds do? If I cover my eyes, I can’t see you, so surely you can’t see me. This mentality of me wanting what I want when I want it is so foolish. Downright stupid. But we mortals are masters at justification. Deep down, or maybe not even so deep down, I always know when I’m justifying.

I’ve always heard that it’s my sin (yes, yours, too) but my sin that nailed Christ to that cross. That is so sobering that most the time, I can scarcely comprehend this, though it’s a good thing to keep in mind. And when I have these moments where I “get it,” I think why would I ever choose to sin again. Ever. I love God. Don’t want to hurt Him. Still I do.


Really pretty simple. That propensity to sin is a part of me. I’m selfish. I think of myself first. And deep down I want the world to revolve around me. God knows this. That’s why He sent Jesus to rescue us. We do need to be rescued, you know? Left to our own devices, we can get ourselves in lots of trouble. No, you might not end up in jail or on 60 Minutes shielding your face, saying, “No comment,” but you know deep down, things aren’t as fine and dandy as they might appear sometimes.

Thanks be to God that He knows this about all of us. All He’s ever wanted from me, what He continues to want from all of us, is just to be honest with Him. I’ve found it extremely painful to confess to God that “My thinking stinks right now, I’m being so short sighted, I know that if I do ‘this thing,’ I’ll be talking to you about it later, telling you I regret it and don’t want to do this. But right now, I’m lying if I say I don’t’ want to, and I’m really lying if I don’t admit to you that at this very moment while I’m agreeing with you that this isn’t the best choice, I am plotting how I can do it and there not be any consequences.”

I’ve discovered something about God. He gets us. He gets why we do the stupid things we do. He gets what we perceive the pay off to be. Good grief. He made us. Do you not think He knows what makes us tick? Still with the devil breathing down our necks, sometimes it’s easy to forget that God is really on our side. All He wants is to give us joy and to give it to us abundantly, on this side of heaven. I don’t think there’s been a day in 35 years being a Christian that I’ve ever really forgotten that. It’s just that sometimes my desire to sin trumps my desire to obey. The Apostle Paul understood this. Read Romans 7. Actually the whole book of Romans is terrific.

Anyway, sometimes the honesty and the prayer is enough to keep me on solid ground, and avoid the pitfall I’m finding myself on any given day. Sometimes, I give in. Goal is to allow God to transform my mind daily so I find myself giving in to temptation less and less. We’ll never stop being tempted, though. And it ain’t God doing the tempting, just in case you’re wondering. He tempts no one. He’s the one who tries to guide us out of the temptation.

I do know the remedy for all of this. And it’s not to repeat to myself 50 times I will not do this or think this or respond in the flesh in respect to whatever battle rages in my mind at this particular moment. That won’t work. The more we tell ourselves we can’t have something, the more we want it. Good grief, some things I don’t even want until someone says I can’t have it. You know, the old “Wet paint, don’t touch” syndrome. It wouldn’t have occurred to us to touch the fence but now that we’re told not to touch, we just gotta touch it to see if it’s really wet!

I love that God truly has a perfect perspective on all this. Sin is heavy and it has to be reckoned with. On the other hand, sometimes He just says to me, Gayle, now why on earth did you do that? (Of course, He already knows). Was it worth it? Well, it seemed like it was at the time, Lord, I say. And God says, I keep trying to tell you, Gayle, that’s the point. Sin always feels worth it at the moment. Why would it be called a temptation if it weren’t attractive? That’s a good question.

Need to keep washing my mind daily with God’s Word. Mediate on those passages that speak to my areas of weakness. That does work. Thirty five years being a Christian, I’m pleased to say I’ve had a lot of victories over sin. But I’ve discovered two things. My sins don’t seem to change. (Stick a bag of almonds in front of me today and I’ll eat the whole thing even after I’m stuffed). And just because I had victory over a sin yesterday doesn’t mean I’ve now got it “handled” and can relax. Some things ya just have to stay on top of.

Like weeding. Have you noticed? You can pull every weed in your garden, even get ‘em by the roots. Still a hard rain comes and then maybe some sunshine or maybe not, and poof, new weeds have sprouted up. Hmm. Suddenly I got some other thoughts on all this but this entry is long enough. I may save them for another day.

Blessings all and have a great weekend.

Do not conform any longer to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God’s will is—his good, pleasing and perfect will. (Romans 12:2)

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Six Again

Have you seen this “forward” about one man’s muse about returning to the age of six years old because he feels that life was much simpler? Funny. I don’t remember being six quite as carefree as this author does though on the surface it would appear to be so.

I remember that–

When I was six, I had to go to bed earlier than most of my friends because my mom thought I needed more sleep and I felt like a “baby.” If I was naughty on a Sunday, my punishment might just be not watching Lassie at 7:00 p.m. and nothing was worse than missing Lassie. When I was six, my first-grade teacher did not like me one bit, plus she thought I talked too much in class. While I stood talking to my little friend one day, my back turned to her, she had the audacity to pick me up and carry me back to my seat. Everybody laughed. I was humiliated.

When I was six, I forever was losing my dimes and nickels and that could buy a lot of “penny candy.” I hated church at six years old. The mass was in Latin, and I thought the nuns smelled funny. My brother put a worm in my hair when I was six years old and I screamed and was terrified to take it out. When I was six, I had short curly hair and when I rode my bike down the street sometimes I’d hear, “Is that a boy or a girl?” That stung.

When I was six, I couldn’t do some of the things my older brother got to do. And no matter how many times my mother explained it was because he was older and I’d have my chance when I got a little older, I didn’t like it and it didn’t seem fair.

Now I have happy memories of being six as well. I just don’t remember that age being as carefree as this writer does. I don’t believe there is any age that is carefree on Planet Earth. Days of fun perhaps, even seasons that may be of relatively little stress, but not carefree.

As I’ve gotten older, some trials seem to be “heavier” than they were when I was a child. Although, not receiving that shiny gold star on my homework at the time probably hurt just as much as not getting a promotion now. I’m better equipped to deal with the crises of life now. I have the benefit of a wisdom that comes with age plus I have the Holy Spirit living inside me, guiding me each day.

We mere mortals have an uncanny capacity for selective memory. We often remember things worse than they were or better than they were, but seldom as they really are. Try as we might not to, we all have our lens from which we view life. Only God Himself, I believe, can correct any distortion in my perspective.

No, I don’t want to be six again, nor any other age for that matter. Sure, I’ve experienced a few days so sweet, so fun, so pregnant with the best this world has to offer, I wouldn’t mind living them again. But life doesn’t work that way.

Reminiscing is great. I do it all the time. I love to look back and remember wonderful times I’ve experienced as a child or even as adult. Or look back at the particularly difficult times and see how God worked in the midst of them. Y’all know that “remember” is one of my favorite words in the English language. Nevertheless, when I do remember, I’m asking God more and more to give me His perspective as I evaluate my past and my present. I want to see things for what they are and not what I wish they were or fear them to be.

Do not say, “Why were the old days better than these?” For it is not wise to ask such questions. (Ecclesiastes 7:10)

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Mountain Tops

I had a wonderful time at my writers’ retreat this weekend. This was our third year and every year gets even sweeter because we know each other that much better. We feel safer and are willing to be even more vulnerable than perhaps the year before. We laugh so hard, too. We’re a crazy lot and with all this history that’s forming between us, five minutes seldom pass without somebody saying something that has us all in stitches. We’ve become quite the little family and already have set the date for next year’s reunion.

So here it is Monday morning and I’m feeling a little mellow. The Lord has been gracious and my fledging little business, WordCount, seems to be taking flight. I’m sure I’ll be sharing more about this as the months go by, but here I mention it to say I have a full day of work ahead, especially since I’ve been playing for the last four. I’m a little behind.

Yet it’s hard to transition this morning. It’s hard that the weekend is over. I want it to continue. But it’s time to climb back down the mountain. I’m thankful to God for giving me these wonderful times of refreshment and fellowship to strengthen me to return to my responsibilities and all that He’s called me to.

I have a lot on my mind this morning just thinking about the weekend and about all that I have to do today. I really need to start now. In the middle of it all, though, I’m smiling as I reflect on the numerous ways God blessed us each. It wasn’t just fun. We were emboldened. And while it was writing that brought us all initially together, the weekend is far more than about writing. It’s about connecting to one another and growing in love and support for one another. The strength we gained will carry us through the whole year as we reflect back on our four days together.

Times such as this stir within me a deep longing for heaven. This weekend just reminds me of all that awaits those who love Jesus Christ. I know that this weekend was the tiniest hint of what it’s going to be like. But even that hint is enough to remind me to keep looking up. We’re not Home yet but there’ll come a time we will be. It’s going to be really great!

He who testifies to these things says, “Yes, I am coming quickly.” Amen. Come, Lord Jesus. (Revelation 22:20)

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